In this first step, you'll learn how to play and understand the 10 open position chords. These will form the foundation for everything else you do on the guitar!
Playlist - Chords
In this step you discover how all barre chords can be described and understood as a CAGED barre chord shape, there are only 10!
In this step, we work out how to connect all barre chords using each of the 10 open position chords as our starting point!
Let's now extend all those barre chords from triads into min7, maj7, dom7, and min7b5. We use all shapes and keys!
Here we look at playing all the 7th-note chords through the cycle of 4th!
Let's replace the major scale's individual notes with chords and play all those up and down the scale in all shapes!
Let's now play all chord shapes around the major scale suing the cycle of 4th and 3rd!
In this final step, we bring it all together in a comprehensive master exercise. When you can play this, you can stop practicing chords!