Extend Your Barre Chord Shapes From Triads To 7th-Note Chords
Once you know your barre chord shapes, the next step is to extend them to maj7, dom7, min7, and min7b5.
The videos above use the same concept as when you connected your barre chord shapes. The difference is that now we play first the triad, then the extension.
The exercises move from major to maj7, from major to dom7, and minor to min7. Doing it this way will enable you to hear and see which note changes.
The final chord, Am7b5 is played coming from an Am7.
When you can play them like this, one after another in A, carry on through all remaining notes.
You could use the cycle of 4th for this, meaning the next one is Dmaj7, Ddom7, Dm7, Dm7b5, climbing up through all shapes. Then move on to G, C, F, Bb, etc.
When you can do this comfortably, the next step is to play an exercise using the cycle of 4th, but moving to the closest shape possible.
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About me | Dan Lundholm
This was a guitar lesson about extending barre chords, by Dan Lundholm. Discover more about him and learn guitar with Spytunes.
Most importantly, find out why you should learn guitar through playing tunes, not practising scales, and studying theory in isolation.