Angel Eyes (Frank Sinatra) Guitar Lesson with TAB

Angel Eyes Guitar Lesson + TAB
No step-by-step lessons yet but there is complete TAB!

Angel Eyes | TAB

Angel Eyes by Matt Dennis will soon be available as eight step-by-step guitar lessons.

Until then, here’s the complete TAB for what I play in the video above.

Angel Eyes TAB, Spytunes version, page 1.

Angel Eyes TAB, Spytunes version, page 2.

Angel Eyes TAB, Spytunes version, page 3.

Angel Eyes TAB, Spytunes version, page 4.

Angel Eyes TAB | Related Pages

Angel Eyes | Chords + Lyrics

Angels Eyes chords lesson.

You can learn to play Angel Eyes by Frank Sinatra using chords, lyrics, chord analysis, a chord chart, and Spytunes video guitar lessons.

Am Am/G Am/F# Am/F | Am/E Am/Eb |
Try to think that love’s not around…

Five similar tunes | Chords + Lyrics

When you can play Angel Eyes's chords, try these five tunes from the song book.

Matt Dennis tunes

Matt Dennis wrote Angel Eyes.

Exposed to music from an early age with his parents being professional musicians, Matt Dennis took to the piano, singing and arranging like a fish to water.

Performing with his family from an early age in the Vaudeville tradition, Matt got to know American showbiz before he even learned to read or write.

Matt Dennis on the web

Listen to Matt Dennis on Spotify.

Frank Sinatra tunes

Frank Sinatra sang Angel Eyes

Frank Sinatra‘s legacy might best be summed up by Stephen Holden who wrote for the 1983 Rolling Stone Record Guide:

“Frank Sinatra’s voice is pop music history. Like Presley and Dylan – Sinatra will last indefinitely. He virtually invented modern pop song phrasing.”

Frank Sinatra on the web

Listen to Frank Sinatra on Spotify.

About me | Dan Lundholm

Dan Lundholm wrote this guitar lesson and TAB for Angel Eyes.

This guitar lesson by Dan Lundholm featuring TAB covers Angel Eyes. Discover more about him and how you can learn guitar with Spytunes.

Most importantly, find out why you should learn guitar through playing tunes, not practising scales, and studying theory in isolation.

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