Shotgun (George Ezra) Guitar Lesson with TAB

Shotgun Guitar Lesson + TAB
In this guitar lesson, we look at what the bass play and then create an acoustic guitar part from it!

Shotgun | TAB

The main instrument on the original recording is not the guitar, it’s the bass. Therefore, to create an acoustic guitar part, we must first look at what the bass plays.

Play along with the original recording using these three basic ideas.

Shotgun TAB, bass line.

There’s not much to say about idea one, we just play one note per bar. The chord progression is I – IV – VI – V.

Here’s the next level of bass rhythm, again play along with the recording to get the feel right.

Shotgun TAB, bass line 2.

And finally, this is the signature part. There are variations on this theme but this is the basic idea.

Shotgun TAB, bass line 3.

Make sure you can see what the notes are in relation to each chord, like this:


Building an acoustic arrangement, we must consider three levels of playing, perhaps ignoring the first one chord per bar concept…

Here’s what I reckon you should start with.

Shotgun TAB, acoustic guitar idea 1.

I like modifying the first chord into a power chord as that’s what George plays on his baritone guitar. I also like adding the 5th in the bass as a D chord with a capo on fret 3 is so thin.

Here’s idea 2, we now get a bit more groovy.

Shotgun TAB, acoustic guitar idea 2.

In the final idea, I’m incorporating that bass line into an extended chord.

Shotgun TAB, acoustic guitar idea 3.

Shotgun TAB | Related Pages

Shotgun | Chords + Lyrics

Shotgun chords lesson.

You can learn to play Shotgun by George Ezra using chords, lyrics, chord analysis, a chord chart, and the original recording.

F | Bb | Dm7 | C |
Homegrown alligator, see you later gotta hit the road, gotta hit the road…

Five similar tunes | Chords + Lyrics

When you can play the TAB for Shotgun, try these five tunes from the songbook.

George Ezra tunes

George Ezra wrote Shotgun.

George Ezra went to music college in 2011 to study songwriting, by 2013 he had signed to Columbia and started releasing his singles.

His best tunes include Shotgun, Budapest, Blame It On Me, Green Green Grass, and Hold My Girl.

George Ezra on the web

Listen to George Ezra on Spotify.

About me | Dan Lundholm

Dan Lundholm wrote this guitar lesson and TAB for Shotgun chords.

This guitar lesson by Dan Lundholm features TAB and covers Shotgun. Discover more about him and how you can learn guitar with Spytunes.

Most importantly, find out why you should learn guitar through playing tunes, not practising scales, and studying theory in isolation.

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