Levitating (Dua Lipa) Guitar Lesson with TAB

Levitating TAB lesson
In this guitar lesson, we look at several ideas using TAB and play-along loops to learn how to play Dua Lipa's Levitating in a band.

Levitating | TAB

Let’s use TAB to look at a bunch of ideas for how you could play Levitating on the guitar in a band. We start with the intro, which you could play if you fired the keyboard player.

Levitating TAB, intro idea.

Play along with the original recording to see if this makes sense. You may find it difficult.

If you haven’t fired the keyboard player, consider how you could play this together. Maybe you need to change the amount of strings.

Levitating TAB, intro idea refined.

I reckon with or without keyboards, it’s better to play it as the refined idea above.

Here’s Levitating‘s verse in TAB.

I’ve included some variation here which you could explore further by applying the different rhythms to the other chords.

Notice the little dot above the 8th notes, it means to “play short” and is used to avoid writing too many 16th notes and 16th note rests.

Here’s another idea for how to play the verse (check the dots and play along to the loop in the playlist).

This time the rhythm is more consistent but the chord shapes are new.

When you can play both ideas for the verse, can you find new chord shapes and use other rhythms? Can you improvise the way you play the verse using these two ideas as the foundation?

Here’s the bridge, now we don’t “play short”.

This was much more consistent and simple compared to the verse, it’s a good idea to use contrast like this.

Here’s another bridge idea, this time we move around more.

Levitating TAB, bridge idea 2.

Let’s check out how to play Levitating‘s chorus, I’ve kept the bridge rhythm here and then expanded on it.

Levitating TAB, chorus idea 1.

Could you tell that this was a combination of the bridge and verse rhythm?

Here’s another idea for the chorus.

Levitating TAB, chorus idea 2.

What happened here was just a play on the chord shapes, live, you should do this in an improvised way, it’ll keep you engaged.

Here’s the chorus tag in TAB. Notice the dot on beat 3, bar 2. That 8th note needs to be short!

This was yet another way to play this chord progression. Having absorbed all these ideas, what will naturally happen if you just have a chord chart for Levitating?

Levitating TAB | Related Pages

Levitating | Chords + Lyrics

Levitating chords lesson.

You can learn to play Levitating by Dua Lipa using chords, lyrics, chord analysis, a chord chart, and backing tracks.

| Bm7 F#m7 | Em7 Bm |
If you wanna run away with me I know a galaxy and I can take you for a ride…

Five similar tunes | Chords + Lyrics

When you can play Levitating's chords, try these five tunes from the songbook.

Dua Lipa tunes

Dua Lipa wrote Don't Start Now.

Dua Lipa’s first album had singles from between 2015-2018. After 8 singles she released the tune that took her to superstardom.

Her best-known hits include One Kiss, Don’t Start Now, Levitating, and a cover of Elton John’s Cold Heart.

Dua Lipa on the web

Listen to Dua Lipa on Spotify.

About me | Dan Lundholm

Dan Lundholm wrote this guitar lesson and TAB for Levitating.

This guitar lesson by Dan Lundholm features TAB and covers Levitating. Discover more about him and how you can learn guitar with Spytunes.

Most importantly, find out why you should learn guitar through playing tunes, not practising scales, and studying theory in isolation.

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