Rich Men North Of Richmond | TAB
In the case of this particular tune, I don’t think it’s beneficial to have beginning-to-end TAB for exactly how he played it on the day as that’s not how this type of music is played, it’s not a classical guitar recital.
This is folk/country music and what Oliver is doing is adding little licks to the different chords. So let’s look at that instead, a few examples of what he does.
If you learn how to play these, you can then mix them up, fit them together in what feels like a natural way, and even develop them.
I can guarantee you that this is what Oliver Anthony will be doing as he sets off to conquer the world he so perfectly criticizes, a moral dilemma he discusses with Jordan Peterson in the playlist above.
Here’s example 1, this could be used for the intro, breakdown verses, and outro. The D5 – D6 – D5 – Dsus4 movement is important, make sure you get this right before you move on.

Here’s example 2, and now we strum a lot. In order for this to sound nice, you must break up the strumming as the TAB shows.

For example 3 it’s more of the same. Do learn both this and the previous example perfectly as when you stop staring at this TAB, your own organic version will happen.

Finally, example 4 is what you play during the instrumental section but it can be incorporated in a chorus as well.

Rich Men North Of Richmond TAB | Related Pages
Rich Men North Of Richmond | Chords + Lyrics
You can learn to play Rich Men North Of Richmond by Oliver Anthony using chords, lyrics, chord analysis, a chord chart, and the original recording.
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Oliver Anthony tunes
An internet sensation in 2023, Oliver Anthony shot to fame overnight thanks to his protest song Rich Men North Of Richmond.
Performed on a Saturday for a radio station, it was uploaded the following Monday, and by Thursday it was a viral hit.
Oliver Anthony on the web
About me | Dan Lundholm
This guitar lesson by Dan Lundholm features TAB and covers Rich Men North Of Richmond. Discover more about him and how you can learn guitar with Spytunes.
Most importantly, find out why you should learn guitar through playing tunes, not practising scales, and studying theory in isolation.