I’m a Believer (The Monkees) Guitar Lesson with TAB

I’m a Believer Guitar Lesson + TAB
In this guitar lesson, you get TAB for how to play this on just one acoustic guitar. We also investigate how to play the intro in the right, and the wrong way!

I’m a Believer | TAB

Let’s take a look at all sections of I’m A Believer starting with that intro, here’s the correct and only way to play it:

I'm A Believer TAB, intro correct.

Without TAB, you could just read the chords and lyrics:

| F/A C/G |
||: D7#9 (C D F, C D F, C D F) :||

But what if you didn’t automatically go for the inversions you saw in the TAB? You may have tried this impossible and wrong-sounding way:

I'm A Believer TAB, intro wrong.

This is great proof that, for guitar, TAB is necessary!

Once you graduate from being a beginner, you’ll look at that intro as a C-shaped F, starting on the 3rd, and an A-shaped C, starting on the 5th. The hammer-on lick is a D7#9 chord.

For now, you could just play as the TAB says and move on to the verse.

I'm A Believer TAB, verse.

This is very simple but still, one detail is important. When the G is repeated, we play more strums. Aim to execute exactly as it says as you play with the original recording.

Here’s the bridge, it too is simple.

I'm A Believer TAB, bridge.

Here’s the chorus. That F/C is for guitar only, if there’s a bass, they play an F.

I'm A Believer TAB, chorus

Apart from the intro, this is as easy as it gets, practice each section individually, then play with the original recording.

I’m a Believer TAB | Related Pages

I’m a Believer | Chords + Lyrics

I'm a Believer chords lesson.

You can learn to play I’m a Believer by The Monkees using chords, lyrics, chord analysis, a chord chart, and the original recording.

G | D | G | G |
I thought love was only true in fairy tales…

Five similar tunes | Chords + Lyrics

When you can play the TAB for I’m a Believer, try these five tunes from the songbook.

Neil Diamond tunes

Neil Diamond wrote I’m a Believer.

Neil Diamond dropped out of college to go work for Tin Pan Alley when just a teenager.

His best tunes include Solitary Man, Girl, You’ll Be A Woman Soon, I’m a Believer, Red Red Wine, Sweet Caroline, and You Don’t Bring Me Flowers.

Neil Diamond on the web

Listen to Neil Diamond on Spotify.

The Monkees tunes

Find out more about The Monkees, the band that sang I’m a Believer.

Formed for a TV show launched in 1966, The Monkees creator Bob Rafelson effectively manufactured the first successful boy band.

Their best tunes include I’m a Believer, Last Train To Clarksville, (Theme from) The Monkees, and Daydream Believer.

The Monkees on the web

Listen to The Monkees on Spotify.

About me | Dan Lundholm

Dan Lundholm wrote this guitar lesson and TAB for I’m a Believer.

This guitar lesson by Dan Lundholm features TAB and covers I’m a Believer. Discover more about him and how you can learn guitar with Spytunes.

Most importantly, find out why you should learn guitar through playing tunes, not practising scales, and studying theory in isolation.

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