How To Tritone Substitute
Let’s talk about the king of substitutions – The tritone substitution.
Here’s how it works:
The purpose of a tritone substitution is to create an augmented and diminished pull towards a chord a 4th up, stronger than you would by just moving to it.
Most of the time this happens from chord I to chord IV or chord V to I, but you can find it in other places as well.
Step 1 – dom7
As you might know, in a Blues we often turn the I chord into a dom7. This breaks away from the major scale’s I chord which has a natural extension of maj7.
In the key of A, that means:
Amaj7: A – C# – E – G#
A7: A – C# – E – G
The D chord (chord IV) has the notes of D – F# – A.
The G pulls more towards the F# than the G# does as it is now only a semitone away.
Step 2 – The #5
To make the pull even stronger we can turn the A7 into an A7#5, we now get this:
A7#5: A – C# – E# – G.
The E# (that’s an F) wants to move towards the F# stronger than the original E, again, because it’s now only a semitone away.
Step 3 – The b9
To go even further we can add a b9 to the A chord, you now have this:
A7b9: A – C# – E – G – Bb.
The Bb wants to go to the A as it’s only a semitone away.
You could also try #9 and b5, all these are augmented and diminished notes and create a similar, altered, sound.
Step 4 – Tritone substitution
Instead of building chords like A7#5, A7b9, A7b5, A7#9, or even A7b5b9 etc, you can tritone substitute.
A tritone is a #4 or a b5 (same thing). From an A this is the note D#.
If we take the note D# and play a dom7 chord, ie D#7 we have tritone substituted.
The notes of a D#7 chord are:
D#7: D# – G – A# – C#
In relation to A, these notes are D# (b5) G (b7) A# (b9) C# (3).
We get the same pulling effect using this method as we would extend our A chord to A7#5, A7b9 or any of the other slightly bonkers sounding combinations.
Tritone substitute when soloing
When soloing, if you want this “outside sound” the augmented/diminished notes have, you could instead of learning those arpeggios just tritone substitute.
Try it by playing a lick over A, using Mixolydian, Major Pentatonic, Minor Pentatonic, The Minor Blues Scale or Conspirian. Just before you move to the D chord, add the arpeggio of D#7.
Here’s some super simple TAB indicating how this could be done.

Here’s the same idea, now without the leading tritone substituted chords, meaning you can do this to create tension in your solo lines, even if the chords aren’t tritone substituting. You’ll get an even more outside sound this way!

Sir Duke’s bridge
Another great example of tritone substitution is Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder. A song that will feature in the upcoming advanced electric course.
From a music theory standpoint, this song is famous for its Major Pentatonic instrumental section and tritone substituted bridge.
Here are the bridge chords.

This progression indicates a cycle of 4th movement of (dominant chords) using E – A – D – G, but instead of A, we tritone substitute with an Eb, instead of G, we tritone substitute with a Db.
In jazz-influenced music, you find plenty of this kind of language.
In the next and final step, we look at modal interchange. Following this, you really should go and play some songs, taking note of what those songs do theoretically, not the other way around!
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Minor Blues Scale | Minor Scales
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Minor Pentatonic | Minor Scales
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Mixolydian | Major Scales
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Sir Duke | Chords + Lyrics
You can learn how to play Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder using chords, lyrics, chord analysis, TAB, and the original recording.
| B | G#m | G | F#7 |
Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand…
Spytunes chords, scale, and arpeggio software, Chordacus is a refined version of the so-called CAGED system.
Now available as both a chromatic (original version) and “within a key”, developed with the help of a Spytunes student.
About me | Dan Lundholm
This was a guitar lesson about tritone substitution, by Dan Lundholm. Discover more about him and learn guitar with Spytunes.
Most importantly, find out why you should learn guitar through playing tunes, not practising scales, and studying theory in isolation.