In this first step, we learn how to play the verse and bridge using TAB, loops, and a video guitar lesson!
Playlist - Angels
Let's learn how to play the chorus using TAB, loops, and a video guitar lesson!
Learn how to play the solo on one acoustic guitar using TAB, loops, and a video guitar lesson!
After practicing the individual sections, in this step we play the complete song using TAB, and video guitar lessons!
In this lesson, we study Angels vocal melody using TAB and take note of what intervals are used. This is crucial in order to understand why this became a hit!
Let's practice three out of five Ionian scale shapes as that’s what Angels use for the melody!
Let’s practice the two remaining Ionian scale shapes as well as the open position so we can play Angels melody anywhere on the neck!
In this last lesson, we play all chords around the five Ionian CAGED scale shapes. We also do this for the open position, effectively mapping out the entire fretboard in...