Candy (Cameo) Guitar Lesson with TAB

Candy Guitar Lesson + TAB
In this guitar lesson, you get TAB for the main riff, your challenge is to move it around the neck!

Candy | TAB

Here’s the TAB for the main riff of Candy.

Candy TAB, riff.

The best way to learn how to play this is to simply play along with the original recording, ignore the solos for now.

When you feel comfortable, notice how these are arpeggios and if you want to get better at playing those, move this riff to all possible areas of the neck, as you play with the recording – this is a great exercise.

If you want more of a challenge, use the sax solo video (in the playlist) and work out how to play that, this should keep you busy for a few weeks…

Candy TAB | Related Pages

Candy | Chords + Lyrics

Candy chords.

You can learn how to play Candy by Cameo using chords, lyrics, a chord chart, and the original recording. Sax solo video transcription included!

G | G |
It’s like candy, I can feel it when you walk…

Five similar tunes | Chords + Lyrics

When you can play Candy's chords, try these five tunes from the songbook.

Cameo tunes

Cameo wrote Candy.

Best known for their tunes Word Up and Candy, Cameo formed in 1974 and became one of the best funk bands around.

Candy has managed to remain relevant by having the dance routine The Electric Slide performed to it. Personally, I’m more into the sax solo by Michael Brecker.

Cameo on the web

Listen to Cameo on Spotify.

About me | Dan Lundholm

Dan Lundholm wrote this guitar lesson and TAB for Candy.

This guitar lesson by Dan Lundholm featuring TAB covers Candy. Discover more about him and how you can learn guitar with Spytunes.

Most importantly, find out why you should learn guitar through playing tunes, not practising scales, and studying theory in isolation.

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